T1D | Moving from xDrip+ to G7 Direct to Watch

I’ve been relying upon xDrip+ paired with a Fitbit Versa w/Glance for years. As much as I appreciate the setup, it has one drawback: My phone must always be by my side. This is a minor inconvenience at home or work, but maddening for trips involving water, sand, or extreme...

My Friend Pete

Year 1 We had driven down to my Mom’s house one day in 2019. She took me to her dimly lit, breezy garage and guided me to a box along the far wall. “Look inside!”, she said. The box was full of tiny kittens. Why the neighbor’s cat had chosen...

T1D / Reflecting on Sleepy Mistakes

“Are you okay?” my wife asked around midnight. There was a loud ringing in my ears and I was drenched. I glanced at my watch, which read 39 above a solid line of red dots for the past hour. ‘No,’ I replied as I struggled to sit up and move...